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Stunning and eco-friendly: green holidays in South Tyrol, Italy

We love our homeland. Visit us and you will likely love it, too. Therefore, you will not be surprised to see how we do our best to preserve its beautiful nature. What we promise you is authentic green holidays in stunning surroundings. At Hotel Magdalenahof we keep our promise through responsible, sustainable management of natural resources and an eco-friendly approach to the environment.


As members of the over 30 Vitalpina Hotels in South Tyrol, we are proud holders of the EU Ecolabel – your guarantee of an uncompromisingly green holiday!

Our strategy for eco-friendly holidays

Our nature is a treasure trove brimming with all things precious, from well-being to fine essences, and from energy to inspiration. Offering green holidays here in Valle di Casies/Gsiesertal is more than just a sign of our respect for nature – it is our mission, our contribution to the welfare of this planet. A green holiday at the Magdalenahof combines relaxation and inspiring outdoor experiences with environmental awareness.

We are committed to reducing our environmental impact by:

  • Motivating our staff to make environmentally-sound choices by offering regular training courses and information events
  • Motivating our staff to participate actively in our hotel’s environmental programme
  • Inviting the guests to support our efforts by actively implementing our environmental programme
  • Giving staff and guests useful advice for a healthy, eco-friendly lifestyle
  • Using energy and water resources efficiently and using renewable energy sources whenever possible
  • Reducing waste through environmentally-aware purchases and waste separation
  • Preventing water pollution through economical use of eco-friendly detergents
  • Avoiding the use of pollutants and environmentally hazardous chemicals for our renovation works
  • Using locally-sourced building materials
  • Choosing locally-grown and seasonal produce for a shorter supply chain
  • Establishing business partnerships to promote local suppliers
  • Purchasing ecolabelled products
  • Providing top-quality service to maximise guest satisfaction

Eco-friendly tourism in the Alps

Environmentally-sustainable tourism is gaining momentum here in the Alps. Our efforts to offer you a truly green holiday in South Tyrol are meant to preserve our beautiful nature for many generations to come. Would you like to help us? Doing your part is easy – it all starts with little things. Ask yourself whether your hand towel really needs to be washed after one use, or whether you really need fresh linen every day. When you are outdoors, whether on a guided hike or on your own, please leave the environment just as you found it. Bring any waste back to the hotel and we will take care of disposal. Nature will be grateful. We will be grateful too, and so will everyone who comes after you! 

Sustainability. All down the line.

A green holiday is not about giving up certain things for the benefit of the environment. It is about doing things in a smarter way for the benefit of everyone. Including yourself. What awaits you at Hotel Magdalenahof is a variety-packed holiday full of eco-friendly pleasures. We will be introducing you to the local peculiarities and standouts, and pampering your palate with South Tyrolean delicacies prepared with fresh vegetables, flowers and herbs from our garden. You will be surprised by the variety of outdoor pursuits the area has to offer and the spoiling choice of activities available for your fitness and well-being

Can’t beat a green holiday!
The Burger Family